Web Hosting Environment

With Stellar Systems, your ideas can become a reality!

Hosting your website from Stellar Systems provides you many benefits, as well as peace of mind:

  • Customer Support
    In house hosting at Stellar Systems ensures that you will always reach someone with answers to your questions, providing dependable customer service.
  • Retain Ownership Rights
    No third party canned solutions will be used. This means you retain ownership rights and provides you a custom Internet solution.
  • 24x7 Internet Availability
    24x7 Internet availability (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) ensures your website is running at all times, working for you when you are not.
  • Monthly Maintenance
    Monthly hosting charges include all anticipated web site maintenance requiring Stellar Systems' assistance. Hosting charges do not include new enhancements and features to your site.
  • No Storage Fees
    No additional storage or usage charges will be made unless your web site significantly exceeds your volume estimates. You will have plenty of storage capacity, ensuring the best quality possible for your website. (We will discuss all issues and options with you before any billing changes.)
  • Promotional Assistance
    We know the ways and means to get more people to your web site. We can perform or assist you with Search Engine Optimization (SEO/SEM) and Web Marketing.
  • Smart Email Learn more about Smart Email
    You can check your Email in a variety of ways including web based Email, POP3, or forward mail to another account.
  • E-Mail Virus Scanning
    Stellar Systems' virus scanning software scans all inbound and outbound e-mail, protecting both your computers and your clients' computers.
  • E-Mail Anti-Spam Filters
    Stellar Systems' spam filtering software scans all inbound e-mail, reducing the number of spam messages in your inboxes.
  • Monthly Reports
    Monthly usage reports (Google Analytics) provide demographic data of traffic so that you can effectively market and improve your website.
  • Daily System Backups
    Daily system backups make certain that you will not lose your website content, preserving your valuable investment.
  • Redundant Web Servers
    Redundant web servers guarantee that your website continues to be accessible providing you with reliable Internet service.
  • Separated Internet Bandwidth
    Separate internet connection for web servers which means that you have dedicated Internet bandwidth.

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