Smart Email

Stellar Systems professional Email services provide you with the flexibility you desire and the reliability and security you can count on. Our Email services include:

Email Account Flexibility You can check your Email in a variety of ways, including POP3, IMAP, Web Based Email and Mail Forwarding.

Virus Protection
We use several state of the art virus scanning techniques to minimize the threat of Email borne viruses infecting your computer network. The award winning Barracuda email protection is fully integrated with our Email server software.

Every inbound and outbound Email message is scanned for all known viruses. All segments of each Email message are processed, including attachments which are commonly used to spread viruses. This includes compressed and password protected attachments.

Scanning outbound Email messages helps to quickly identify existing viruses on your network and protects your customer from infections from within your company.

Our virus signature files are automatically updated daily to ensure that we provide the best level of virus protection possible. Upon identification of a new virus, our virus signature files are updated immediately.

Spam Protection
Stellar Systems uses one of the most powerful and complete Anti-Spam solutions on the market today. This solution provides very high levels of accuracy with an extremely low number of false positives and allows you to manage each Spam message efficiently, on an individual basis if required.

Our solution merges time-tested technologies such as RBL Checking, Tarpitting, Open Relay Tests, Content Filtering, Anti Spam filtering, and Static Filters, and integrates them with new cutting edge Bayesian Filtering technology and a Challenge Response mechanism. Bayesian filtering technology calculates the probability of a message being Spam by analyzing the message content.

  • RBL Checking (Realtime Blackhole List)
    We block Email from known spammers by consulting several well known and constantly maintained RBL lists.
  • Tar Pitting
    We block Email (Tar Pitting) from computers that are sending Email to multiple random Email addresses, trying to guess your Email address.
  • Open Relay Tests
    We only allow our clients (and computers sending Email to our clients) access to our Email servers. We do not have any open relay mail servers. Not only does this speed up the processing of your Email, it significantly reduces the number and frequency of spam and viruses attempting to infect your network.
  • Sophisticated Self-Learning Mode
    The system can run in a sophisticated self-learning mode. This mode allows the system to learn from mistakes by allowing users to easily teach the system, by feeding it known Spam that is received by your organization back to the Anti-Spam System.
  • Hands Off Auto-Update Mode
    For those who do not wish to teach the system and maintain the Bayesian Spam database, the Auto-Update system will download updates automatically, without any user interaction. The Anti-Spam engine also supports the SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and SURBL (Spam URI Realtime Blocklist).
  • Challenge / Response Mechanism
    This feature is completely integrated into the whole spam solution and offers you a complete solution to dramatically reduce the spam messages received. All senders meeting a condition will be required to confirm their sent Email by visiting a web page and filling in a simple image detail. They will be asked only once to do so.
  • Spam Folder Control
    The Spam Folder is a new and unique feature that allows users to store Spam messages on the server. Users can then browse their Spam and Inbox folders and can move messages from one folder to the other. Spam messages can be deleted, rejected, or be placed in a folder for your review.

With its speed, performance, low cost, ease of implimentation and self-learning capability, our Anti-Spam solution is setting the standard for the future of Anti-Spam technology.

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