QR Code Generator

This tool will create a Quick Response (QR) Code that will send the user to a URL when scanned. QR Codes are easily scanned by phones and other devices in order to quickly share with others websites, information, and even WIFI passwords. QR Codes are starting to replace barcodes as they are more flexible and can store more information.

If your URL is too long, use a url shortener such as bit.ly


quote start ! I just wanted to say hello and to give you major praise and warm fuzzies for your team’s work on the new website. I’ve been anxiously awaiting the launch and you all killed it. You brought our vision to life. You made it BEAUTIFUL and FUNCTIONAL. I seriously cried a little bit when I saw it. I’m so proud of the work we’ve all done to get the site to this point. Thank you again for all that you’ve done. I’m seriously proud and impressed. we are lucky to have you guys. quote end